Learning when not to solve a problem is one of the hardest things I've learnt.
Programmers have a pavlovian engineering response. Pose them a problem and they'll start trying to solve it. Give them a chance to co-engineer along with your presentation by making sure the first bite gets their saliva flowing. Then you can explain the rest of the problem and your brilliant solution knowing that they are there along with you.
比起这个,我更喜欢这个文章里提到的,pavlovian engineering response,理工生的巴普洛夫条件反射,他们看到一个问题会不自觉开始思考解决的的方法。这可太感同身受了,理工男的特有的直男表现,收到来自异性的倾诉首先并不是感同身受去安慰,而是提出解决方案。
'Programmers have a pavlovian engineering response. Pose them a problem and they'll start trying to solve it.' One of the truest statements I've read in a long while. (Learning when not to solve a problem is one of the hardest things I've learnt.)